Monday 25 April 2016

PPP poster session

Personal poster
Professional poster
Aspirational poster
Rating the posters:
  1. My aspirational poster - like the composition, the use of collage and shape (demonstrates my preferred method of image making), communicates what I want without spoon-feeding the audience - this idea of aspirations or dreams that I have for the future. 
  2. Personal poster - think it conveys a silliness and weirdness that correlates with my personality, the short message and greeting I think concisely sums up who I am as a person (I like many things, hating stuff is a waste of time - openminded, trys to reject negativity or feelings of hate) BUT I don't like the colour scheme (looks a bit french...?) and the crafting is a bit poor on this. 
  3. Professional poster - this for me is the worst of my three because I don't think it conveys a professional attitude - its maybe too silly...? Also I think the message is unclear, the crafting is poor and there is too strong a contrast in the colour scheme (pink/blue) which makes it a bit jarring, unclear to look at and see what its really saying... but the initial idea was good maybe?

The group picked the same poster as I did for the best out of my three - the aspirational poster. I think that they identified similar points to me, therefore I think we seemed to evaluating it based on the same values - use of media, concept and effective communication of this, composition and colour palette. 

Professional and Personal qualities

In this PPP session we made a list of the qualities we think you would need both personally and professionally to be successful. It was interesting in this exercise to see what other people found valuable in others as well as what I would like to be like as apposed to who I actually am, within both of these categories. I also think that the two - personal and professional - especially in the creative industry overlap in terms of what qualities you would be looking for within a friend or work college - as who you as a person in your own life obviously affects your professional work and vice versa. 

We were then set the task of creating three posters - one promoting ourselves personally, one professionally and then one talking about our aspirations through a superhero character. I found this very awkward and hard to do as I am not very good with thinking about myself in these terms. I am not really happy with any of the posters I created here as I think there a bit of a cop out and don't represent anything I believe or know about myself. Therefore I think I will have to redo them for the final hand in...and will try to be more honest next time... 

Saturday 9 April 2016

Michael Craig-Martin exhibition

While I was in London I went to the Michael Craig-Martin exhibition "Transcience" at the Serpentine Gallery. Through drawing old and present everyday pieces of technology and design Craig-Martin intends highlight the constant technological advancement of our world. In the exhibition however, I was more interested not by this fundamental idea but the simple and bold aesthetic of his images. I really enjoyed the vibrancy of his colour palettes and the clear definition of the objects through the continuous black line and blocks of colour. The images he is producing I would imagine are made through some form of digital tracing, something I would not normally value as a process and aesthetic. But I think that his understanding of composition and colour, as well as the scale of these images within the exhibition, means he has produced something a bit more interesting and eye-catching than just a trace of an everyday object.