Monday 25 April 2016

Professional and Personal qualities

In this PPP session we made a list of the qualities we think you would need both personally and professionally to be successful. It was interesting in this exercise to see what other people found valuable in others as well as what I would like to be like as apposed to who I actually am, within both of these categories. I also think that the two - personal and professional - especially in the creative industry overlap in terms of what qualities you would be looking for within a friend or work college - as who you as a person in your own life obviously affects your professional work and vice versa. 

We were then set the task of creating three posters - one promoting ourselves personally, one professionally and then one talking about our aspirations through a superhero character. I found this very awkward and hard to do as I am not very good with thinking about myself in these terms. I am not really happy with any of the posters I created here as I think there a bit of a cop out and don't represent anything I believe or know about myself. Therefore I think I will have to redo them for the final hand in...and will try to be more honest next time... 

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