Monday 25 April 2016

PPP poster session

Personal poster
Professional poster
Aspirational poster
Rating the posters:
  1. My aspirational poster - like the composition, the use of collage and shape (demonstrates my preferred method of image making), communicates what I want without spoon-feeding the audience - this idea of aspirations or dreams that I have for the future. 
  2. Personal poster - think it conveys a silliness and weirdness that correlates with my personality, the short message and greeting I think concisely sums up who I am as a person (I like many things, hating stuff is a waste of time - openminded, trys to reject negativity or feelings of hate) BUT I don't like the colour scheme (looks a bit french...?) and the crafting is a bit poor on this. 
  3. Professional poster - this for me is the worst of my three because I don't think it conveys a professional attitude - its maybe too silly...? Also I think the message is unclear, the crafting is poor and there is too strong a contrast in the colour scheme (pink/blue) which makes it a bit jarring, unclear to look at and see what its really saying... but the initial idea was good maybe?

The group picked the same poster as I did for the best out of my three - the aspirational poster. I think that they identified similar points to me, therefore I think we seemed to evaluating it based on the same values - use of media, concept and effective communication of this, composition and colour palette. 

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