Monday 12 December 2016

SWOT analysis

my Strengths

  • self-motivation and time management
  • creating images that focus on composition, found imagery, graphic shapes and handmade textures. 
  • understanding of a range of different technological and print based, image-making processes. 
  • I have ambition; a willingness to learn and improve my practice. 
my Weaknesses
  • confidence in approaching others and presenting my work.
  • getting easily stressed over marks and deadlines, instead of finding enjoyment and fulfilment with in my practice. 
  • a lack of experience in initiating and successfully collaborating with other students and practitioners. 
  • a limited understanding of the creative industry and professional practice. 
my Opportunities
  • studying in a specialist art college that offers opportunity for collaboration with a range of different practices and specialisms. 
  • working everyday in a studio with like-minded students and tutors - opportunity for feedback and to learn from each other. 
  • competition briefs, art fairs ect.
  • the constant opportunity to contact practitioners and companies that have synergy with my practice - ring them, write to them ect. 
  • access to a range of different facilities and specialist workshop tutors - print, ceramics, photography ect. 
  • being able to self-promote my work through social media platforms such as instagram, facebook ect. 
my Threats
  • procrastination and a social life : often I don't take full advantage of the opportunities laid out in front of me because self-doubt or life gets in the way. 
  • competition from existing practitioners, I need to find my USP : what makes my work different?
  • Time is running out, I need to take FULL advantage of my time left as a student on this course because if I don't I may regret it later... 

Lecture : Copyright

  • In the UK there is no need to register for copyright, as long as the piece of work/idea/concept ect. in question is original and tangible it will be protected by copyright law. 
  • Take in to consideration, however :
    • If you make something in the time of being employed by someone (e.g. if your were an inhouse designer) the employer can own the copyright for that piece of work - check the small print!
    • Derivative work - if you have used a photo or drawing as reference imagery, this makes the work unoriginal and therefore not protected by copyright law (as well as putting you in danger of being prosecuted against if used commercially). 

Lecture : Ideas

  • The ability to exchange ideas is what makes us human
  • Ideas are not formed and do not exist in isolation
  • Working collaboratively accelerates process

The pencil theory by Milton Friedman. 

When watching this video with the thought of relating it to ideas and the creative process it emphasises the importance of collaboration - we all have our own specific skills and resources, and when pooling these together this is when we'll find most success and productivity within the creative practice.

Lecture : markets and marketing

What is marketing? 

The action of understanding the needs and desires of a consumer, and then figuring out how to best present and sell a product to this target audience. 

Functions of marketing 

  • indentifying the needs of a consumer
  • Promotion of a product
  • Developing a pricing strategy
  • Indentifying distribution networks
What can be marketed?

Goods and services, events, personalities, organisations, places, experiences, ideas & concepts and properties. 

THE 4 P's 

Product, Price, Place and Promotion. 

Carrying out market research will help you be most successful in carrying out the 4 p's to your fullest advantage. 

IDENTIFY : SWOT, in relation to your product ie. you and your practice. 


Define your USP (unique selling point) and your target market - be a BIG FISH in a small pond. 

Network online (mail chimp : online marketing tool) and offline! (meet them, ring them, write to them ect.)

Lecture : Interpreting and responding to commercial briefs

 Working for free? 

  • There has to be a consideration of ethics, but everyone has their own interpretation of right and wrong.
  • Working for a charity : ask yourself is that person who has been briefing you getting paid? they pay for their other expenses, so why can't they pay for your work?
  • Good exposure - but is this guaranteed? something could go wrong, the work could end up not getting used ect.
  • The promise of future work is never guaranteed, they will just find someone else to work for free with the same promise. 
In order to calculate how much you should be charging for your work a good starting point is to generate an understanding of how much money you need to function as a creative - overheads, living expenses ect. 

Don't cheapen the industry and don't undervalue yourself - you are an important resource!