Tuesday 13 March 2018

CV Workshop 13/03/18

  • Your CV should be tailored to the prospective employer. 
  • 3 potential different types of CVs
    • Traditional CV : good if you have a lot of relevant experience for that particular line of employment. Detail your responsibilities and achievements in each job/work experience. 
    • Skill-Based CV : beneficial to do if you have limited relevant experience. Draw on your other achievements/experiences to evidence relevant skills to that particular line of employment e.g. I have good teamwork skills. At college I was part of a number of collaborative projects, such as producing a catalogue of students work to be given to industry professionals. 
    • Artist CV : more suitable to use in the position of being a freelancer approaching agencies or potential clients for commissions.
  • What to put in a Skill-Based CV :
    • Personal details - name, address, email, Instagram, website, (personal statement)
    • Education (not much detail)
    • Previous Employment (not much detail)
    • Skills - list skills and then evidence them.
    • Interests and achievements
  • What to put in an artist CV : 
    • should have a creative/innovative design that represents you as a creative practitioner. 
    • include a logo or photograph. 
    • Personal details - name, address, Instagram, website, contact details. 
    • Education (not much before degree) 
    • Solo and Group Exhibitions
    • Awards (even if you just entered them)
    • Residency
    • Commissions
    • Publications - if you work has been commented on online or in a print publication e.g. if you were interviewed/featured on itsnicethat. 
  • Skills employers look for: 
    • Communication skills
    • Teamwork
    • Problem solving
    • Analytical skills
    • Self-marketing/promotion (especially looked for by agencies)
    • Flexibility - will you take on that commission last minute?
    • Self-management skills e.g. time management. 
    • Decision making 
    • Numeracy
    • Logical argument - ability to persuade. 
    • Enquiry and Research skills
    • IT Skills
  • Other relevant info:
    • get a linkedin profile
    • creativeskillset.org
    • deviantart.com (good for examples of creative CVs)

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