Friday 13 May 2016

Jake Hollings

These are a couple shots from the illustrator, Jake Holling's instagram. I really like how he uses a combination of textured, and plain cut papered shapes in his collages as well as the naive quality of his crafting and bold use of colour. His work is so playful and despite mostly being flat cut paper shapes has a very energetic and vibrant tone. I choose these particular pieces of work from his account because I think they are really appropriate as to how I would like to tackle my 'illustrated self' poster. I like how that they are a collection of simple symbols or shapes and that they mostly remain non-figurative - that it is the use of media, colour and relationship between these shapes, as to how they have been arranged on the page, which make the images interesting...Thinking of my intent to 'evoke a feeling' through my work, communicating my ideas through abstract collaged symbols and shapes seems to make sense for this final outcome.

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