Friday 18 May 2018

Concertina Business Card

After Hanbury Hall I wanted to develop some better promotional materials. For the event I noticed  some people had made concertina business cards to act as a mini-portfolio and I thought this was a really lovely way of showing of your work. Taking one my designs I made for extended practice I formatted it into a concertina - choosing this image as I feel it works well to represent key principles of my current practice, such as print-based textures, strong compositions, shape and pattern. 

The original idea for this business card was to take it through screen-print to act as a promotional material for applying to internships or jobs at print studios - such as Print Club London. The scale of the concertina and the difficult registration on the design, however, I think would make it very hard to produce a high-quality print. There is also the consideration of the quantity I would have to print in order to make enough for the degree show, to send to people and the Hanbury Hall exhibition in July. Maybe its a better idea to digitally print these, and then make some screen-printed mail-outs to send to these print studios instead? 

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