Tuesday 8 May 2018

Making a Logo

Making a logo or image that can work across my website, Instagram and business cards is something that I have been struggling with throughout this module, never really satisfied with what I have been to come up with. 

I think its very hard for me to like a design enough at which I will happy using across all these different platforms as a representation of 'who I am' and my practice. - it just feels too definite a decision. 

To help me with this I have been looking on Instagram at what other contemporary practitioners or creative companies have designed for their logos - particularly liking Nicolas Burrows, Its Nice That, Plaey workshop and William Luz. I think these logos all work really well because they are simple and graphic, whilst still having a sense of personality or fun to them. 

Here is my final logo design as it currently stands:

The concept behind the logo is that it illustrates my initials - EMC, but using the abstract and wonky shapes I use for my illustrations. Even though it was made digitally I like how it simulates a print-based quality, and the simplicity of the design. 

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