Monday 21 May 2018

Summative Evaluation / Mission Statement

My practice is defined by two different methods of approach to image-making. One side being driven by in-depth research and conceptual thinking, I see myself pursuing editorial and publishing contexts. Exemplified by my Context of Practice submission this year, I also have a side of my practice that is purely process-driven. Identifying with contemporary practitioners such as Nicolas Burrows or Kate Gibb, with this form of image-making I also see myself pursuing avenues of self-publishing and creating illustrative products. 

As a creative practitioner these are the avenues that I am most interested in following – however the question remains as to whether I would even like to pursue being a freelancer. Someone who enjoys engaging in a studio environment and with other practitioners on a daily basis, I find the concept of working from home difficult – realistically this being my only option, as starting out I will not be able to afford studio fees. I also wonder whether I have the self-determination and confidence to pursue a career that involves rejection and periods of financial instability. I do, however, see clear advantages to being freelance, such as working for yourself and the fulfilment from collaborating with a client you really admire. 

During this professional practice module I have created a visual identity, an online presence and a series of print promotional materials. Now having these materials, as well as a portfolio of work, to a professional standard I feel more equipped to contact people of interest to me within the creative industries. Experiences such as the ‘We Are Here’ event at Hanbury Hall, speaking to Lucy Bourton at Its Nice That, as well as having portfolio reviews with visiting lecturers has also helped me to build more confidence in approaching people in this way. I hope to continue reaching out to people during summer – even if it is just for a bit of advice over coffee. 

Due to key reflections I had after the Hanbury Hall, and in light of my concerns with being a freelancer, I have also began to pursue other more full-time jobs within the creative industries – looking at websites such as or The Guardian jobs board. Gaining an internship or job within a creative company I think would be beneficial in both furthering my experience and as a form of networking, in light of perhaps becoming a full-time freelancer later on. It would also give the opportunity of being back in a studio environment working with like-minded people and engaging with some form of artistic practice, even it is not my own. 

This module has helped me to reflect on my strengths beyond just my illustrative practice – such as an interest and skill in writing about and researching artistic practice or the ability to give honest constructive feedback on other peoples work. Through this I have began to identify a number of jobs that I feel could capitalise on these strengths – such as working within a print or online publication, in a creative agency or even as a college tutor or art director (but these ambitions may be for further in the future). Having a keen interest in print-making, I could also see myself pursuing a job working in a print studio as a workshop assistant or resident screen-printer. 

Some of the key things I have done during this professional practice module to put these ambitions into action have been – identifying creative agencies, print studios and online or print publications of possible interest, as well as keeping an eye out for potential job or internship opportunities, actually applying to one at Its Nice That a couple of weeks ago. For the purpose of applying to these creative companies I have also put together a more appropriate and comprehensive CV branded with own visual identity.

In summary, the experiences I have had during professional practice this year have helped me to grow in confidence as well as identify potential avenues for progression after degree. With plans to move to London in the coming year, I hope to gain experience through creative internships or a more full-time job, as well as continue pursuing being a freelance illustrator, even if this is just maintaining a personal practice on the side. 

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